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My experience when Sebastian was dying

Monday, July 8th we took Sebastian to the hospital to run the last MRI he would have. They had told us nothing could be done anymore and that he was going to die any minute. We needed to check the status of his tumor, though, to know if it was still there or if it had disappeared. We were very worried because we did not see any signs that showed he would die. I did notice Sebastian was sleeping a lot and his activity level had diminished, but I don´t know when someone is going to die. How does one know when someone is going to die? It´s impossible. It´s uncertain and no one can tell you either when someone is going to die...what day? What time? 

Deep inside I had a gut feeling that things were going from bad to worse, but you can never lose your faith. I was expecting for them to tell me two weeks more or a month. But that was something we had been told before. If he was going to die, when? Any information would help when one doesn´t know anything. When we arrived at the hospital Sebastian got really sick and started to tremble with high fever. That night we stayed at the hospital since he did not have any good blood; no platelets. He was alive at this point only by a miracle. It turned out that Sebastian had been taking a home chemo which the doctor told me to stop giving it to him when the box finished. In the anguish trying to save his life, I forgot those directions. I read on the chemo box we had that I could order another one when it was gone. I thought that by giving him this chemo I would save him. Since they sent us home to wait for Sebastian´s death and we never went back to the hospital, when the box was finished I called the hospital and ordered another box. After 10 days of giving him the chemo, Sebastian had no good blood left. The first night at the hospital they gave him red corpuscles and platelets to improve his condition. Daddy assembled Sebastian’s Ferrari Lego; Henry did not sleep at all until he finished the entire Ferrari Lego. Dr. Renata came to visit us that night. The next day they supplied Sebastian with more blood and he started to feel much better. Some friends dropped by to visit. Ms. Shelly, his Kindergarten teacher, was by his side for 2 days; she read him books and played with him. I believe that´s a way of saying good bye. 

When we arrived the first day at the hospital, the first thing Sebastian said to me was, "Mommy, look for Dr. Eugenia." He used that babyish voice that he used when he was devising something in his head. Of course I immediately went to look for her, but could not find her until the next day when I went up to the 6th floor to personally look for her. To my surprise I met up with Peter; Sebastian was so happy to see him. Sebastian asked Peter to help him call Dr. Eugenia without her knowing about it. He didn’t know that it was the last time he would see her or would play with her;
Sebastian adored her, she was his friend, the one with whom he played, made jokes and pranks. How does a doctor take the time and make the effort to reach out and play with a child? Only special doctors like Dr. Eugenia do the impossible by giving this special gift to children. It is so important, to give children who have suffered a little bit of happiness within their painful process of healing and battling against cancer.

Sebastian and Dr. Eugenia used to have their own Batman versus Spiderman spray battles, but Sebastian would always have a prank for her too. This time he wanted to spray her without her knowing it, so he teamed up with Carolyne (a nurse assistant to Dr. Eugenia) who immediately supported him. Between the two of them set a trap for Dr. Eugenia. Sebastian told Carolyne, "When Dr. Eugenia enters the room she will sit by my side. When I say, ‘Carolyne what´s written on the board,’ you tell Dr. Eugenia what´s written on it. Then she will go and read what´s on it, and that is when I will throw her the spray!" It happened just that way, too. I had no idea Sebastian had this planned together with Alison. When Dr. Sande entered the tiny 5 x 5 hospital room filled with people, there was only one chair. One could stand up from the bed and touch the sink, so everyone was standing when she came in. When you entered the room you could immediately feel the stress of the environment, the tension in the air. An unsuspecting Dr. Eugenia sat on the chair and started talking and chatting here and there with some laughs.

"Sebastian," asked Carolyne, "What´s written on the board?" Carolyne looked up to Dr. Eugenia. In that moment Dr. Eugenia turned around and Sebastian, deciding to not waste any time threw almost all the spray bottle on her head. I wasn´t embarrassed, since I had no idea about Sebastian´s plan. Dr. Eugenia was totally shocked but laughed her heart out, without nothing else really she could do as she was totally filled up with spray all over her head even her clothes, even the wall´s and the ceiling too! Sebastian could not stay still and started to spray everyone inside the room. Everyone stampeded out. I had to intervene and helped Dr. Eugenia to clean up. That was the last spray war Sebastian and Dr. Eugenia had. He laughed so hard and enjoyed having done so. I knew this was the last time and was happy seeing him so happy. Feeling that this may be the last time too, I said good bye to Dr. Eugenia and thanked her for the moment of happiness she gave Sebastian. I knew this was the last we would share Sebastian together, I think deep inside she knew what we felt also. That night Sebastian slept really well since he was ready to go home the next day.That night they gave him his last bag of platelets and we went home.

Isabela was at the Botanical Garden painting and doing yoga. I asked Sebastian if he wanted to go, but he felt very sick. I could feel he was very tired and down, he only wanted to rest and sleep but as always he tried to please me. "Yes mommy, let´s go to the botanical garden," he told me.
He could not even walk when we got there. I carried him, he was so exhausted. He made a huge effort to go there. He looked so bad that a younger child asked him ´if he was about to die,´ but how could people know or mention it.
When we arrived home we sat down and painted a small pot and planted a plant in it. That was his last activity outside the house. After that, he went to bed to rest. The next days he rested and almost did not talk. The last two days he would do little else other than sleep. He did at times complain a bit about headaches. At this point we were giving him morphine twice daily or when he would complain; if he did not complain we would not supply it. Rarely he would open his eyes to say something, but he would only talk briefly at this point. He wasn’t really talking or eating much. We would try giving him ice electric solution, Pedialite ice-cream, or watermelon to hydrate him.
Three nights before his death, he started making a really weird loud noise. We decided to bring home a hospital bed for him to place inside our bedroom. We set him there, but he did not sleep.
It was my great friend Karen who lost her son six month before Sebastian's passing who told me that I would need a hospital bed, oxygen and aspirator machine and helped prepare me for Sebastian's death.

Ximena his aunt was with him all night long but he did not sleep. The next day, we asked him if he wanted to come back to our bed and he said ´yes.´ I placed a plastic cover under the bed sheet in case he needed to go number one or not control his sphincters. We did not sleep at all that night because of the loud noise he made. We held hands all night long. I think that if by chance I did go to sleep it must have been because I was able to disconnect somehow or because I was so worn out...but that noise would follow me. The following morning for the first time he woke up with pee all over, poor thing. I think he must have felt really bad, because every time he wanted to go to the bathroom, he would always let us know and we would take him. Henry would take him and we would help one another get him there and settled. I was by his side all day long, I would not leave his side. I felt that if I wasn´t there I would lose the last minutes of his life. I wanted to lift him up like a baby and just cuddle and hold him close, but I couldn´t, he was too heavy. Daddy did not let me either. I asked him please, but he said to leave him alone because I would smother him. Since I could not carry him, I did the best I could to be close to him and would keep hugging him. I stayed by his side all the time.

I remember we´d always hold hands and he would always squeeze my hand. We would not let go, always his hand on top of mine like if we were going steady; that´s how I would feel when I would see his hand on top of mine. It was only a matter of hours, but how many more life hours were there for such important time together? How much longer for him to be with us before he had to leave, for his small body not to be here anymore? This is why I would not leave his side. Twice I had to go to the bathroom, but Sebastian would not let me go. He was clinging to me, so I had to tell him to let go of me that I had to go to the bathroom. Only then would he let go of me, so even if he wasn´t talking to me he understood everything said to him. After I came back from the bathroom he would cling up again to me, so we were tied up to each other the last 3 days.
That day when he woke up we put him back in the hospital bed so everyone could get close up to him, touch him, and talk to him. He always he had people by his side, his aunts, his grandparents. That day when we set him on the bed, I felt he was a bit upset but had no idea what was going on. I then noticed he had poop and was going to the bathroom, daddy immediately grabbed him and we took him to the restroom.
That was the last time he went to the bathroom, he did not do number one or number two any more. We both grabbed him and daddy sat on a stool inside the shower and we showered him. He had him grabbed while I rubbed soap all over his body, it was a very uncomfortable moment for us but we could see Sebastian enjoyed a lot. It was his last shower.

After that, we dressed him up and set him on the bed again. He woke up and ate watermelon, drank some water, and went back to sleep. I remember I told him, "Do you want me to shower you?" and after 4 days in which we had not spoken to each other he answered me, "Just a minute Momi" Those were his last words. He slept all day long and continued to make lots of noise. The hospice nurse told us that his death process had started, so everyone arrived at our home and said good bye to Sebastian. We played all types of music, all the songs he liked. I called his uncle Segundo so that he could say good bye over the telephone and he said, "Ciao Sebastian, I love you very much."

I called his aunt Nancy whom he loved and he also said good bye to her. I called his grandparents in Colombia so that they would also get to say goodbye. I could not call Elkin, my parents’ driver in Colombia and his favorite friend, nor his best friend Nicholas at the ranch back home who used be his companion and partner when playing. Nicholas would always be there for him and ready to play and do what Sebastian wanted. Those were the only two people that I felt sad Sebastian did not say goodbye to, and know Sebastian would´ve love to hear them.
That night, we thought he was going to die. I would say constantly to his ear that he should go, that God was with him, that he was waiting for him, to follow the light, that God was calling for him. But he didn´t want to go, he was clinging to life and struggled to live. All night long we stayed up to be with him. I fell asleep for only a moment; I was dead tired but I could not sleep more than that. So I got up again and stayed by his side. When dawn arrived Sebastian was still breathing but every time with more difficulty. Little by little he was stopping to breath. I remember telling him "thank you for giving me one more day, thank you for not leaving last night, thank you for being there still with me." I wept inconsolably and said good bye, I knew it was a matter of hours now. At 7:45 am his breathing became more difficult for a moment he stopped breathing. He sighed and nothing was heard and then he sighed one last time. In that moment I felt he had left us, that he wasn´t there anymore, and I had a chance to tell him, "Go, God is there waiting for you, I know it, go with him."

I sat by his side and said good bye towards heaven. I knew his soul was there still, but just not in his body any longer. His face immediately changed. His light had turned off, he wasn´t there anymore. We wrapped one his dad´s ties around his face so that his jaw would stay in place and about an hour after we saw a smile on his face; he left smiling and happy. In that moment I felt an infinite peace, and an immense love, as if something lifted me up and maintained me floating. It was a peace feeling, of love. I had no idea where it was coming from because I knew I could not produce such an immense pleasure, so much love. Where was it coming from? Why was I filled with so much love if my son was dying? I felt this was God´s grace, a gift, telling me, "Look. Feel. This is what someone feels here in heaven; take a bit so that you know how Sebastian feels her in heaven". That was my best gift.

I now know there is a God out there. Definitely there is something else out there waiting for us, something immensely, untouchably beautiful. 
God gave me an astounding gift that left me in trance for 4 days, I only felt love, I was filled with love.
It was too hard to see you on the bed cold and stiff. I had to change your clothes. Remember I could not bend your arm to put the sleeve, you were hard; so I tried the other side which was still warm and flexible. I put your pajama sleeve through the side that was hard and then I was able to bend your other arm to put the other sleeve. I put you your favorite pajamas, the blue one with white and the little toy animal skiing in the snow. I also left you the blanket that accompanied you all your life. I wanted it to be close to your body since Daddy and I could not come along. At least the blanket would be with you, touching your body; I didn´t want you to feel lonely. Daddy was against, but in the end he agreed. I wanted them to also burn it so it was with you still, but daddy was against it. He wanted that blanket for him and thank God he was against it because now it´s with us giving us comfort every night. Sometimes we spread it in the middle of the bed and each of us has half. Thank God I have it next to me and every night it’s with us. You will always be with me, not present but inside me.
It was very hard to see you leave the house in the stretcher. Two women dressed in black came to get you. Too scary to see these ladies, they looked like if they were dead alive, without any expression on their faces. How horrible, how very shocking it was for daddy and me. Daddy picked you from the bed to the stretcher and the two ladies from the stretcher to the car where they drove you to the chapel of rest. You were there the whole time for a long time until we were able to go see you in the afternoon. While you were at the funeral home I was with daddy doing errands for your cremation. While we were at the cemetery´s waiting room, Melinda arrived with Ms. Zeyra, Ms. Margaret, and more friends Angie, Donna, and Hina. There were like 8 of them. They each and all are incredible! They had an envelope with money in it. It came at the right time in such a difficult time for us, not only emotional but economical, with this money we were able to pay for the costs of your funeral.
Daddy was always at home so that every time you opened your eyes I could call him up so he´d come see you.
And something wonderful if amazing has happened too. I remember now one of those afternoons when Jane was here, she chose to take Isabela to the beauty parlor to do her nails. They came back with some beautiful colorful prints. I thought they were beautiful and special, something different, and I thought to myself, "I´d love to have one of those." However I was shy with Jane, because I know that if she had found out I´d wanted one, I knew she´d give it to me. So I said nothing. I just told Jane that they were really nice. Sebastian was next to me with his eyes closed; he was totally asleep, there was no way he could find out I wanted one. Three days later after Sebastian passed away, Lisa my good friend who was vacationing in Chicago went into a store there and felt that Sebastian told her, "Buy that lithograph for my mother." Lisa followed Sebastian´s prompting and bought it. When she came home to see me, she said, "Ingrid, this picture is for you. I felt somehow that Sebastian told me to buy this picture for you." What a surprise when I opened the was the same picture Jane my friend had showed me while I was on bed with Sebastian!
To me it was a sign that Sebastian told me, "Mommy, I was there the whole time with you and I was seeing absolutely everything you were talking about. Right up until I left. Now I am able to hear your thoughts because I am in another level from you, but I was present all the time."
One of the many teachings that Sebastian gave us was to feel love, to love God like he loves us. I had never loved this way and I thank God that I was moved by Sebastian’s life and his death, that I was given the opportunity to know how to love, a real true love, a love without reproaches, the love that a mother has for a son that is infinite, uncontrollable, totally profound. Thank you for giving me this opportunity in life to learn what love really is, real love. I hope I will never forget you, I wouldn´t want my mind to forget you. I know you are in my heart and I will always love you. Hopefully my heart will never forget what love really is.